Ronnie Leon Sturdivant - Online Memorial Website

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Ronnie Sturdivant
Born in United States
52 years
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Synethia Smith R.I.P. Love you November 1, 2011
 Well You been gone for 3 years , and i still think about you , i know that you are in a better place now because you there with grandaddy jay..  I Miss Your Handsome smile and i miss when you use to come to grandma edna 's house .. Well uncle Ronnie i Miss You .. Tell Grandaddy  Jay i said Hey And i Love Em.. Well leave me room Up there .. R.I.P. Gone to Soon .. Love You Unk.
synethia smith R.I.P March 18, 2011
R.I.P uncle ronnie you will never be forgotten about....I Miss you...One day I will be there and you will be at the gate waiting on me.....R.I.P Love ya..
Dianne, Loving Wife Thinking of You March 23, 2010


I am really have a difficult day, dealing with this legal process that is suppose to  bring justice for your death. The legal process seems like it is favoring the murder rather than providing justice. I tell myself that my hope does not rely on the legal system, but on God. He will be the final judge in this matter.  God knows the truth, and he will provide the final verdict.  My job as you would say is to relax, and TRUST GOD.  I must say today that it is easier said that done!  I know that God will never fail me or abandon me. I know that everything that happens is for the purpose of strengthening me and bringing me closer to Him.  Reading your class lessons has helped me to stay focused on God, rather that on my circumstances. I miss you, and will always love you.
Warren Caldwell My Friend Forever February 24, 2010
Mr. Sturdivant, I can't even explain how my heart even feel tonight. Here we are months and months after you are gone I'm still hurting. So much has happened since then. You were so inspiring to me. Even this morning 12:04 am. I'm sitting up the middle of the night looking at your pictures, listening to you teach on your videos. I've never ever in my entire life had a friend that meant so much to me. I expected us to do some great things together. My Cd is getting ready to come out finally. It's on radio across the country. My sons are really growing. I can still remember you getting on Jonathan and making him feel funny and laugh. Yes I miss you man. rest with our God in heaven. We all will get to serve Him and worship Him together one day. Just did not want it to happen this way. While you are up there, talk to the Lord for me. Your closest friend that nobody realized. Warren Caldwell
Sarah Bennett Harrison To The Sturdivant Family September 12, 2008

May The Lord Continue To Strengthen You With His Love! Hold On To Memories Of Ronnie. He Was A Mighty Strong Man Of God.

Willis/Thomas Family You are in our thoughts and prayers September 11, 2008
Ed and Mitzi Flagler You will truly be missed! September 11, 2008
Mel Brown A true Brother In Christ & Mentor September 11, 2008
Eternia Cox I miss u and love u!! September 10, 2008
Samuel R Page Dearly Beloved,Miss You! September 10, 2008
Total Condolences: 19
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